Summer learning and afterschool programs across the country need your help.

As Congress approaches its next deadline for passing a FY2018 budget, your help is needed in reaching out to the House and Senate leadership as they work toward compromise spending deals.

21st Century Community Learning Center (21CCLC)
Both the House and Senate have thoroughly rejected a Trump Administration proposal to eliminate the 21CCLC program, critical funding that supports summer learning.

Student Success and Academic Enrichment (SSAE)
Currently SSAE is funded at less than half of its authorized level, making it impossible for districts to implement the program as intended by Congress.

Webinar on Sports-Based
Social Skills Curriculum

The LIFEsports: Helping Youth Learn Social Emotional Skills through Sports webinar has been moved to tomorrow, January 11 at 2pm EST.

This webinar will highlight LIFEsports' sports-based social skills curriculum and its impact on youth outcomes. NSLA encourages stakeholders that serve middle grades and older youth or support organizations that serve youth during the summer to attend this webinar.

The Power of Summer Learning: A Thought Leader Conversation with John Hughes

What do you get when you offer high quality math and reading content in high quality learning environments that focus on belonging, engagement, and choice? Impressive skill growth!  This was the result John Hughes, Summer Program Coordinator for the Seattle Public Schools, hoped for when he set out to cross-train summer school elementary teachers to deliver academic content using practices associated with quality out-of-school-time programs.

Join Karen Pittman in a free conference call hosted by the Forum for Youth Investment to hear more about John's vision for using summer school to demonstrate why attending to students' social, emotional, and academic needs pays off and how teachers, students, and the district have responded over time.

SEL in OST Settings

As schools have begun to bring social and emotional learning (SEL) into their curricula, a growing body of research suggests that out-of-school time (OST) settings offer unique and flexible opportunities for adapting SEL practices that yield positive benefits for children and youth.

In fact, according to a new brief, Social and Emotional Learning in Out-of-School Time Settings, published by The Wallace Foundation and Harvard Graduate School of Education,  OST leaders are often more likely than education leaders to say that SEL is central to their mission.

Post Your Summer Learning Event!

Summer is on the horizon, so start your planning now for  National Summer Learning Day, July 12, 2018!

Here at NSLA, we celebrate summer as a season of learning and fun, so be sure to post your summer learning event or program on the 2018 Events Calendar even if it does not fall on our official celebration date of July 12.

That's right! Use NSLA's 2018 Events Calendar to promote your event or program through NSLA's website; a key destination for media and parents to find summer learning events.