American Rescue Plan

Congress recently passed, and President Biden signed into law, the American Rescue Plan, which provides nearly $2 trillion in emergency stimulus funding to address the immediate financial needs of families, businesses, and the education system amidst the economic fallout from COVID-19. Specifically, there will be $8.45 billion available at the state level for summer and afterschool programs and $21.9 billion at the local level for summer and afterschool programs.

Read the Press Release

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand this can be a confusing topic for something with so much importance. NSLA has you covered with a list of 26 frequently asked questions about the American Rescue Plan and how it can impact summer and afterschool programs, camps, child care, mental health, and social and emotional learning.

View FAQs

Discussions with OST Leaders

With billions of funding coming down the pipeline, NSLA partners joined us for a webinar to learn more about the allowable uses of funds, how to plan at the state and local level, and how the out of school time (OST) community can advocate for grants and contracts that support summer and afterschool programs.

Watch the Webinar Recording Download the Slides

Be a Summer Learning Hero

NSLA promotes and supports key public investments that improve conditions for summer programs. NSLA aims to enable access to these programs for students who benefit most. Take action and continue to advocate for summer learning by reaching out to Congress about issues that must be addressed.

Contact Congress

Social Media Blurbs You Can Share

The #AmericanRescuePlan will provide billions in funding for #summerlearning and #afterschool programs at the state and local level to combat learning loss from the COVID-19 pandemic.

How will the #AmericanRescuePlan support out-of-school time programs? The National Summer Learning Association has your questions answered with their FAQ list.

Special thanks to the following program partners in curating this information: