1-7 of 7 results

SSLS Summer Learning and Out-of-School Time Resource Guide
Download these helpful resources provided by partner organizations during NSLA’s Summer Solutions Leadership Series,...

A Summer Like No Other: Lessons from the Field During COVID-19
NSLA conducted a number of focus groups and in-depth interviews in September 2020 with...

Spring Forward Summer Learning Program Quality Assessment Case Study
This brief highlights the findings of a program quality assessment from a collaboration between...

Summer Learning: A Bridge to Student Success and America’s Recovery, a COVID-19 PLAYBOOK
According to the RAND Corporation and Wallace Foundation report, Investing in Successful Summer Programs,...

Mizzen by Mott: Powering those who empower kids
Download the app that helps you inspire, engage and spark learning in young people....

2019 Summer Learning Awards Kick-off Webinar
Each year, the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) recognizes the outstanding work done during...

Summer Learning: Interaction and Engagement
Summer programs can help children and youth develop both academic and social skills that...