2021 California Summer Learning Guide
There is an unprecedented sense of urgency, calls to action, and investment of resources...

America After 3PM among Middle School Youth
Introduction Across grade levels, afterschool programs are helping young people find their passions, express...

The Promise of Summer as a Time for Teacher Professional Learning
Helping teachers improve their instructional practice through high-quality professional learning opportunities is a key...

Every Summer Counts: A Longitudinal Analysis of Outcomes from the National Summer Learning Project
The National Summer Learning Project (NSLP), an initiative of The Wallace Foundation, consists of...

America After 3PM
America After 3PM The Afterschool Alliance‘s 4th edition of America After 3PM provides a...

Spring Forward Summer Learning Program Quality Assessment Case Study
This brief highlights the findings of a program quality assessment from a collaboration between...

Community Learning Hubs: Municipal Leadership to Support Education Requires Collective Action
The coronavirus pandemic has impacted virtually every facet of American life. Since March 2020,...

Preparing for Back to School and Navigating Summer in the Time of COVID-19
The summer of 2020 was an extraordinary one. While families found their summer plans...

Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation: Summer Nutrition Status Report – 2020
About This Summer Food Report This report measures the reach of the Summer Nutrition...

The COVID-19 slide: What summer learning loss can tell us about the potential impact of school closures on student academic achievement
WHITE PAPER – The COVID-19 slide: What summer learning loss can tell us about...