Investing in Successful Summer Programs
This new report from the RAND Corporation (commissioned by The Wallace Foundation) explores what characteristics...

Voluntary Summer Learning Research Brief
Summer is a time when low-income students lose ground relative to their wealthier peers,...

Scholastic Summer Learning Tip Sheet
Send students into summer ready for the next school year with this tip sheet...

The Summer Playbook for PTA and School Leaders
PTAs and schools are key to linking parents to vital summer learning opportunities that...

State Education Agencies Playbook
The National Summer Learning Association is delighted to partner with the Council of Chief...

2018 New York Life Foundation Excellence in Summer Learning Awards
The 2018 New York Life Foundation Excellence in Summer Learning and Founder’s Awards honor...

2019 Summer Learning Awards Kick-off Webinar
Each year, the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) recognizes the outstanding work done during...

2017 New York Life Foundation Excellence in Summer Learning Awards
The winners of the 2017 New York Life Foundation Excellence in Summer Learning Award...

SPARK! Creating a Summer Opportunity Portfolio
Across the country, communities are making summer commitments to youth and investing in summer...