READY TO PARTNER: 5 Steps for a Different Kind of School Year
When parents and teachers join forces, students succeed. This year it will be more...

Summer Learning: A Bridge to Student Success and America’s Recovery, a COVID-19 PLAYBOOK
According to the RAND Corporation and Wallace Foundation report, Investing in Successful Summer Programs,...

Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation: Summer Nutrition Status Report – 2020
About This Summer Food Report This report measures the reach of the Summer Nutrition...

Summer Stride
Summer learning matters, especially this year! It isn’t always easy, but there’s so much...

Mizzen by Mott: Powering those who empower kids
Download the app that helps you inspire, engage and spark learning in young people....

How To Keep Your Kids Learning When Schools Are Closed
The great opportunity of at-home summer learning is the chance to engage your child’s...

The COVID-19 slide: What summer learning loss can tell us about the potential impact of school closures on student academic achievement
WHITE PAPER – The COVID-19 slide: What summer learning loss can tell us about...

Report Highlights from Shaping Summertime Experiences: Opportunities to Promote Healthy Development and Well-Being for Children and Youth
Abstract from The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NAS) Shaping Summertime Experiences...

Summer Learning in 2020 Talking Points
Across the country, summer programs are adapting and innovating to ensure children and their...